1. Processing Time
- Orders are processed within 1-5 business days after payment is received.
2. Shipping Methods and Costs
- We offer various shipping methods including standard, express, overnight.
- Shipping costs are calculated at checkout based on the shipping method and destination.
3. Delivery Time
- Estimated delivery times vary based on the shipping method chosen and the destination.
- Standard Shipping: 5-10 business days
- Express Shipping: 1-5 business days
4. International Shipping
- We ship to select international destinations. Please check our list of available countries at checkout.
- International shipping times and costs vary based on the destination.
5. Order Tracking
- Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email.
- You can track your order status through our website under the “Order Tracking” section.
6. Delays
- Delivery times may be affected by unforeseen circumstances such as customs delays, holidays, or extreme weather conditions.
- We are not responsible for delays caused by the shipping carrier.
7. Contact Us
- If you have any questions or concerns about your shipment, please contact us at contact@mallikascloset.com.